Saturday 30 January 2010

A touch of inspiration

Well we figured out today that with a little bit of shifting things around we can move our next round of home renovations from August/September to April. I can't tell you how exciting that would be. So with this in mind and dreaming about all the nice finishing touches (hey it's a dream not a nightmare I'm gonna skip all the construction part) I looked at all our stuff and wondered with the new open plan layout where we would put everything. Then I saw this.....

Now the rug's not my style, but love these boxes and the floor is pretty much bang on what we'll be doing. The best part about this is we can make it quickly and easily while also being able to make the boxes as big or small as we want them. It's the little things that do it for me! Will put the plans up so you can see what we're thinking of doing soon.

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