Monday, 23 August 2010

The Fence Man is my new BFF

Well today is official kick off day for the work on the house. This morning saw the kind of chaos only normally associated with a BOGOF offer on cheetoos at the trailer park Piggly Wiggly. At 8am I was desperately trying to clean my kitchen so the builders didn't think we were total dirtbags. Yes I realize that it was only the guys coming to rip out our fence, but my mama raised me right or at least raised me to know that a clean kitchen is important.

Not long after Rob, the garden guy, showed up with two of his team and then the carpenter arrived so Dom could talk him through all the ins and outs of the piece of architectural beauty we wanted, which would be best enjoyed when running up to use the bathroom. So when I left he was happily chatting away to the carpenter and the last thing I heard him murmur was "So what is your opinion on open string vs closed string stairs in an open space?"

As you can imagine I was all a flutter on the bus on the way home wanting to see the chaos wrecked upon my rotting horrible fence. It really was amazing and I can't believe how different it feels. Despite it not being the nicest day it just felt so open and sunny and totally different than my backyard. Here is how it looks when I got home:

Definitely thinking of raising an army and colonizing next door's garden. After all isn't colonization what the British do best?

Ps. I also love the fence guy because he put down dust sheets and vacuumed up all the dirt his team trekked through my house!

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