Friday, 5 June 2009

The inspiration and the spare room

Thought I might as well give an idea of why this blog got its name. It has nothing to do with the fact that our house is old....and it is very old. It's really an homage to that bastion of PBS and obsession of my brother This Old House.

Now I will be the first to say that I couldn't stand the show when I was forced to watch it, but somehow somewhere the TOH gods were putting all that renovation goodness into my head. Now I'm not saying that I know how to use a router, but I have been known to put shingles onto a treehouse with a mean staple gun. So I'm hoping that all my complaining won't stop a little Bob Villa and Norm Abram magic rubbing off on this project.

So now you've seen the lovely "before" pictures of our house and our promise to do nothing to it for a while. But we had grand plans and Dom's friend moving into our spare room. So there was nothing for it, but to buy an industrial grade wallpaper stripper, rip out the carpet and commit general mayhem on the cupboards and other fittings. Just a reminder here's how it looks before we got the tools out.

I can honestly say that I've never had more fun destroying this room and whoever built these cupboards should never EVER be allowed to lift a tool again. The worst part is that as soon as you start you can't really stop.

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