Sunday, 31 October 2010

All change please all change

Well I know I promied more photos so here are a few more. The dining room has finally been painted or at least most of the walls have. There is still tons to do, but here's how it looks at the moment.

This last weekend has been a backbreaking struggle with the devil that is the floor sander. Let's just say that after yesterday I felt like I was 80. Plus with all the dust I think I inhaled half my floor and was definitely a whiter shade of pale (and for me that's pretty hard to do). So check out the floors in the pictures. We're really pleased with how they've turned out. Now all we have to do is stain them and varnish them. I'll give you one guess whose job that is....  Book my walker now there is now way I'm standing up straight before December.

The eagle eyes amongst you may notice that the evil taskmaster which is my husband decreed that the already stained and varnished floor of the kitchen had to be stripped as well so it could be redone to match the rest of the house. I'm sure all you lovely readers can imagine my delighted face at that. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go die from coughing.

Ps. Despite furniture reappearing downstairs the builders are still here. Their list is getting shorter, but they still haven't finished. Their welcome has never been more worn out.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

We've been Farrow & Balling

Now some of you may be familiar with the posh paint that is Farrow & Ball and some of you may not be. Let's just say that it's amazing and about twice or so the price of boring old Dulux and Sherman Williams. The best part about this stuff is that the colors are all historic. So that means we'll be using something that is sympathetic to the age of the house...or that's the idea at least.

As with all paint selection it was a case of try try try again. We got loads of tester pots (to see the tester pot pyramid see below) to try and pick two colors for the dining room and hall and two colors for the front room. The idea being that in each room the fireplace would have an "accent color". Aren't we fancy hehe.

So after much trial and tribulation we ended up going a lot bolder in the living room then we thought and we settled on Green Smoke and Pigeon for the dining room and Hardwick white and Shaded white for the front room. I can assure you that I'm not planning on painting my room with a skyrat nor have I ever seen one this shade of green so I'll just take it that the creatives at F&B were being a taking a bit of creative license with the name. Here's the some small test patches on the walls and fully painted walls to come!
               Shaded White & Hardwick White (little strip)   Pigeon & Green Smoke (little strip)

What the sensible people do

You may wonder what sensible people do when the builders are in on a Saturday starting at 8am and your  time sleeping in is broken by the gentle high pitch scream of a circular saw. Now for some people like Tim Taylor on Tool Time that may be the sound of Christmas morning, but the rest of us don't like it. So back to the original question...what do sensible people do?

Well I don't know, but here's how we spent one Saturday (and even managed to convince some friends to get up at the crack of dawn and come with us)

Monday, 18 October 2010

So much progress!

It's been a busy few weeks here at the house. So needless to say it's been very difficult to find time/space to take pictures and put up blog posts. Thanks to all of you who requested more photos and complained about my tardiness in keeping everyone in the loop! Enjoying the blog love!

So last time we met there was a very ummmm...interesting contraption that we used to get to the bathroom. I'm pleased to say the new stairs are in and they look fabulous. The carpenter did an amazing job and hubby also did a great job describing exactly what we wanted. Here are some photos:

Also the velux skylight has gone in and i'll have some photos up of that soon. It doesn't provide the best light down into the stairwell, but it does provide some, which in this house is better than anything. Other then that it's been a massive flurry of plastering, wiring, putting down new floorboards, etc etc. I can't say they've exactly been working flat out, but the progress is coming along. Enjoy the photos:
Where the velux was going in
 Eh voila le Velux!